
The mission of the Houston Double Ten Celebration Committee is to plan and organize activities within the local community of expatriates and immigrants from Taiwan in order to celebrate the National Day of Taiwan (ROC) which is on October 10th each year.  Through these organized events, it is the goal of the committee to advance unity and pride within the Houston Taiwanese Chinese community and to promote Taiwan’s visibility and democratic values to the main stream American society.


主任委員 Chairman

楊崇肯 Ken Yang

副主任委員 Vice Chair

楊嘉玲 Linda Young

總顧問 Lead Advisor

江麗君 Maria Kong

諮詢委員會 Advisory Committee

陳美芬 Mei-Fen Chen、張世勳 Jackson Chang、吳光宜 Kenneth Wu 劉秀美 Shelley Ding、陳建賓 Chien-Ping Chen
王秀姿 Elizabeth Hwong、王敦正 Don Wang、黎淑瑛 Shu-Ying Hsu 葉宏志 William Yeh、甘幼蘋 Cecile Chang、鄭昭 Margaret Chang 梁慎平 Shen Ping Liang、鍾桂堂 Philip Chung、賴江椿 David Lai 楊明耕 Milton Yang、趙婉兒 Alice Hung、李雄 Kenneth Li

葉德雲 Daniel Yeh、嚴杰 Roger Yen、黃春蘭 Alice Wen 何怡中 Annie Yen、劉志忠 Paul Liu

法律顧問 Legal Counsel

熊莊齡 Diana Hsiung

顧問 Advisors

許勝弘 Sam Hsu、張園立 Sam Chang

秘書長 Secretary

何真 Christi Yao

財務長 Treasurer

李昱勳 Leo Li

英文秘書 English Secertary

李迺安 Robert Lee

公關 Public Relations

徐堯亮 Andy Hsu、林翠梅 Mae Kuo、芮久玟 JoAnne Ray

文宣 Publicity

盧淑君 Lucy Lu

活動組 Activities 總務組 General Affairs

陳第元 David Chen、裴俊莉 Angel Pei、戴珮青 Pei-Ching Tai 辜千慈 Amy Ku、邱佩冠 Peggy Liou、蔡宗霖 Gavin Tsai 蔡沂汶 Anna Tsai

攝影多媒體 Photos & Visual

謝慕舜 Kevin Hsieh

音視頻多媒體 Audio & Video

戴啟智 William Tai、徐金城 Kevin Hsu