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113th Houston Double Ten Sponsorship Package
113 年休士頓雙十國慶贊助禮包
Diamond Sponsors 鑽石贊助 ( $20,000 )
- Sponsor’s logo on the Houston Double Ten Floor Banner at indoor events (休士頓國慶贊助者巨幅立式看板)
- Portable Sponsor’s banner at outdoor events (休士頓國慶贊助者“易拉寳”活動廣告幅)
- Sponsor’s logo on the Houston Double Ten Webpage with a link to sponsor’s own website (休士頓國慶網頁上,提供連結到贊助者網站)
- Special recognition at the Double Ten Gala Banquet (國慶晚宴上,贊助者將被首先提名表揚)
- Rotating screen time at the Double Ten Gala Banquet (國慶晚宴螢幕上,領銜循環致謝贊助者)
- Prominent-located Presenting booth at the Double Ten Gala Banquet hallway (國慶晚宴走廊上,提供至尊商家展位)
- 2 VIP seats at the main table at the Double Ten Gala (國慶晚宴主桌 VIP 座席 2 位)
- A whole banquet table (10 seats) at the Double Ten Gala (國慶晚宴一桌)
- VIP Seating at Flag Raising Ceremony and Tea Party (升旗典禮及茶會,至尊貴賓座席)
- 10 VIP seats at Honwa Hakka Folk Dance Performance and Reception (红瓦舞團表演及接待茶會,10 位首席貴賓座席)
- Full-page ad in the 113 Double Ten Special Edition Yearbook (113 國慶特刊,全頁封底廣告)
Platinum Sponsors 白金贊助 ( $10,000 )
- Sponsor’s logo on the Houston Double Ten Floor Banner at indoor events (休士頓國慶贊助者巨幅立式看板)
- Sponsor’s logo on the Houston Double Ten Webpage with a link to sponsor’s own website (休士頓國慶網頁上,提供連結到贊助者網站)
- Special recognition at the Double Ten Gala Banquet (國慶晚宴上,贊助者將被提名表揚)
- Rotating screen time at the Double Ten Gala Banquet (國慶晚宴螢幕上,循環致謝贊助者)
- Presenting booth at the Double Ten Gala Banquet hallway (國慶晚宴走廊上,提供商家展位)
- 2 VIP seats at the main table at the Double Ten Gala (國慶晚宴主桌 VIP 座席 2 位)
- A whole banquet table (10 seats) at the Double Ten Gala (國慶晚宴一桌)
- VIP Seating at Flag Raising Ceremony and Tea Party (升旗典禮及茶會,貴賓座席)
- 6 VIP seats at Honwa Hakka Folk Dance Performance and Reception (红瓦舞團表演及接待茶會,6 位貴賓座席)
- Full-page ad in the 113 Double Ten Special Edition Yearbook (113 國慶特刊,全頁廣告)
Gold Sponsors 黃金贊助 ( $5,000 )
- Sponsor’s logo on the Houston Double Ten Floor Banner at indoor events (休士頓國慶贊助者巨幅立式看板)
- Sponsor’s logo on the Houston Double Ten Webpage with a link to sponsor’s own website (休士頓國慶網頁上,提供連結到贊助者網站)
- Special recognition at the Double Ten Gala Banquet (國慶晚宴上,贊助者將被提名表揚)
- Rotating screen time at the Double Ten Gala Banquet (國慶晚宴螢幕上,循環致謝贊助者)
- Presenting booth at the Double Ten Gala Banquet hallway (國慶晚宴走廊上,提供商家展位)
- 2 VIP seats at the main table at the Double Ten Gala (國慶晚宴主桌 VIP 座席 2 位)
- A whole banquet table (10 seats) at the Double Ten Gala (國慶晚宴一桌)
- 4 VIP seats at Honwa Hakka Folk Dance Performance and Reception (红瓦舞團表演及接待茶會,4 位貴賓座席)
- Full-page ad in the 113 Double Ten Special Edition Yearbook (113 國慶特刊,全頁廣告)
Silver Sponsors 銀質贊助 ( $2,500 )
- Sponsor’s logo on the Houston Double Ten Webpage with a link to sponsor’s own website (休士頓國慶網頁上,提供連結到贊助者網站)
- Special recognition at the Double Ten Gala Banquet (國慶晚宴上,贊助者將被提名表揚)
- Rotating screen time at the Double Ten Gala Banquet (國慶晚宴螢幕上,循環致謝贊助者)
- Presenting booth at the Double Ten Gala Banquet hallway (國慶晚宴走廊上,提供商家展位)
- A whole banquet table (10 seats) at the Double Ten Gala (國慶晚宴一桌)
- 2 VIP seats at Honwa Hakka Folk Dance Performance and Reception (红瓦舞團表演及接待茶會,2 位貴賓座席)
- Half-page ad in the 113 Double Ten Special Edition Yearbook (113 國慶特刊,半頁廣告)
Bronze Sponsors 銅質贊助 ( $1,000 )
- A whole banquet table (10 seats) at the Double Ten Gala (國慶晚宴一桌)
- Half-page ad in the 113 Double Ten Special Edition Yearbook (113 國慶特刊,半頁廣告)
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